Opening Tournament for 2025!

We will be set up on Saturday from 2 PM until 6 PM taking entries for this event. Reminder that PayPal will shut off at 5 PM on Saturday afternoon. Be sure to have your entries in before then. If you drop an entry at Lake Life on Saturday, be sure to call us and let us know.

Take off Sunday morning will be from the dock at Peters Point. We should start sending out boats at approximately 7:30 AM.

If you entered by Paypal, please stop by and fill out a entry form/waiver if you have not already done so. All teams must have a signed waiver on file before checks are issued to that team. We only need this done one time for the year, so try to get it out of the way on this event. You can fill it out ahead of time and drop it off at the trailer the morning of the tournament or to one of us on the dock.

If you have any questions, call or text us at 918/401-0069.

Eufaula Opener March 16th!

Our 2025 season openes up on Lake Eufaula on Sunday March 16th. We will be set up at Peters Point at 2PM on Saturday the 15th taking entries. You can still drop off entries at Lake Life Marine in Tulsa prior to the event.

Note: After more than 20 years at the same price, we had to raise our membership fee to $150 per team member this year. We hope that you will understand the need to do this increase.

Some of you who paid early, may need to pay an additional $100 per team due to this increase. We thought that the PayPal site was charging the correct fee, but found out from a few of you that it was not. We applogize for this, and will let you know by email that you owe a difference.

Thank you all for fishing with us, we look forward to a great year!

2024 1099’s

You should have already received your 1099’s for the 2024 season. We did have a few returned as undeliverable. If you name is below, please text us your name and current address so we can forward the form to you. Text to 918-401-0069.

Garrett Brown

Earl McDoulett

Robert Bagby

Justin Barbour

XFL Championship Weekend

The XFL Chmapionship will be this weekend on Grand lake out of Wolf Creek. You can still pay by paypal up until 5PM on Friday. Do Not drop entries at Blackbeard for this event. We will take entries on Friday from 2PM until 6PM at the ramp at Wolf Creek. Feel free to text or call with any questions.

Skeeter Demo Day!

Saturday October 12th at Wolf Creek Park Grand Lake, OK.

Rides from 9AM until 5PM.

Come take a ride and get entered into a drawing for 1 of 3 TFO Skeeter rods! Rods will be given away on Sunday during the weigh in at Wolf Creek.